Friday, December 11, 2009

Dessert Help!

So I have some dinners coming up that I need to make desserts for. hubby hates dessert. boo. hiss. so i need help from ......YOU! what's your favorite dessert? is it holiday-ish? i heart all seasonal food. the more you tell me it won't be there in a month. the more i'll buy. Now let's get down to biz. What should I make?


  1. Boo, hiss, is right! That guy just doesn't know heaven on earth! ;) Ok, I'm a big cake fan, but I know you're not. But I have a recipe for a chocolate citrus cake that is delicious and super moist. The citrus adds a touch of holiday-seasonish to it. Another favorite: Gaga's German chocolate cake. But if I'm not going with a cake, then I like a good chocolate cream pie. If I'm going seasonal, I'd say pumpkin is my favorite. A friend of mine has a pumpkin chiffon dessert that I have just got to try. I could go on and on and on, but those are my top favs.

  2. um......... hello! claire's peppermint cake was TO.DIE.FOR.! YUM YUM! i'm also a huge fan of peppermint milkshakes from CFA. don't mind the 1,200 calories that go along with it. a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. these hips are happy.
