Since I graduated college 2 years ago I have gone on 2 additional Spring Breaks. Hey, it's the way I roll. It sounds like the high life, but trust me, when I flew to Europe with a plane ticket so cheap the airline guy said even he couldn't get an employee discount that good, I stayed in hostels and passed up street vendor crepes. I'm not one to pass up any sweet. And I'm definitely not one who can tolerate a hostel bed. I promised myself I wouldn't go back till I could do it the "right way." I'm still searching for some extra Euros! The second trip was to East Asia with my sister and her hubby. It was so fun to be a part of their lives and special to go on a trip like this with them. Growing up I was always that little bit younger, so this was our first mission adventure together. I loved the trip, the new friends, and finding a Pizza Hut and Starbucks. In fact, Starbucks was one of my fonder memories of Europe as well. Judge away. I've digressed.
Part of this vision trip was to encourage the Americans who live in the city we visited and to lead beside them for a short time. We also had time for communal prayer and worship. We sang a song by Hillsong, "
You Said". I always tell Mac that if he just sings the song to me I could probably be convinced I was being called to overseas missions. You know somewhere where I could still drive to see my mom. But the song really impacted me. To the point where when I was asked to share something special for my nephew Brennan's church dedication this weekend, I immediately thought of God's promise to heal the land and fill it with glory.
God speaks the loudest and clearest to me, when I start randomly hearing the same "tune"...from friends, scripture, in my heart, sermons, Bible studies. You know, those big coincidences? So today as I was writing to Brennan and meditating on the words of the song. I received an email. A forward. Who does those anymore? Let's be honest. But alas, the forward is pasted below. (Apparently I do those.) When I was on the trip, in a "Godless" place, I imagined that this was the land God was promising to heal. That this was the part of the earth that needed His glory. So it's humbling to remember I'm there as well. (Apparently Texarkana is a real place. As opposed to the imaginary mix of Texas and Arkansas that I originally thought they were referring to.)
"Some folks passing through Texarkana last week noted signs in people's yards that said, "America, prayer is our only hope" with 2 Chron. 7:14 underneath. We certainly need God's help! I have no idea who started this, but I certainly agree with this e-mail. I heard a preacher on TV who said if we pray for our nation that things will turn around. After a day of contemplation and soul searching, I have decided to reach out to my friends and relatives and ask you to do something that has been troubling me for a long time. Our nation is/has been on the slippery slope for a long time. If you look around you will find corruption, greed, moral decay, and a steady move away from the things that made us great. The principles upon which this nation was founded are no longer our backbone. However, we can reverse this trend. 2 Chron. 7:14 In God's word He states, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their Land." I am convinced that we must pray for our nation and its leaders and ask for forgiveness. So I ask you to join me in this plea to our Lord. He will hear us and in faith will answer. Let me just add a quote from Ronald Reagan "If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." I truly believe this is why the United States of America is in the shape we are in today. Most people have forgotten that we are one nation under God! Let us as Christians stand up and remind people of this."