Tuesday, September 1, 2009

REALLY?!?! Lucky Number 19

So the Duggar family has announced they are expecting their 19th child. But if I was honest. This isn't the part I'm shocked about. I mean, once you've had 18. What's another? I like to think once you've passed 3 they don't all fit in the same car, so really 4+ is all the same. One word: expensive. I have heard that some people like to have three kids. So dad can hold one. Mom can hold one. And then they just have to figure out what to do with the third one. Not that the first child doesn't test your faith enough, but I always like this. Being the third child and all.
One thing I don't like is when people mispronounce my name. The name is Jul-ie. I don't care if it defies proper grammar or if it's tough on the Southern drawl (unless you're my mom, cause then you named me, and you can say it however). And reader James I realize this might lead you to call me Jul-e. Like a trash collecting cartoon. And another thing I'm not is Julia. Which my ninth grade PE teacher could never grasp. The whole year. A lot of times people ask me if my real name is Julia and people just call me Julie. And I do know at least 2 people where this is the case. But what is that? A nick name? Cause it's not shorter. And really my face is so scrunchy even typing this that I just have to let this one go.

But all in all. Here's the shocker. Duggar family. You have put out a plea on People.com for America to help you name your 19th kid. You who named your 6th child Jinger. WITH A J! I realize you're going for a "J" name. And I know I've listed some current complaints with mine. But COME ON!!!! J-U-L-I-E! It's that easy. Have your people call my people. But remember. It's Jul-ie.

**The above post is dedicated to my loving husband. Who thinks I'm wrong. But if I post it on the blog. Really, what can he do? He might have won the blogger Jennifer Aniston debate. But I clearly know my own name!**

1 comment:

  1. do you have people.com as a subscription in google reader? I do :)
