Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A little game

Mac doesn't like it when I use girl adjectives. So I am not referring to his play-off basketball game this eve. The one I'm missing Lost to cheer on. I am however referring to a little real estate matchy match that I would like to play with you! You see. Every once in a while we speak of reproducing. Then we remember this.

Yes. That's right. Mac is feeding Baby Brennan. Without moving.


So while we are not expecting a child. We do realize we can't live in a one bedroom condo forever. And we (read me) LOVE our neighborhood. So on special Sundays. When the mood is right. We stop by neighborhood open houses. This weekend, the joke was on us (faded purple carpets, sinking hardwood floors, all around yuck). And so I hope to pass the joke along to you. Please match the pictures with the corresponding prices. And if you are brave you can pick which one we stopped by.

(3 bedroom condo in this building)

a. $7.12 Million. Like with loooots of 0s. $7,120,000.

b. $779,000. Still a 7, Less 0s.

c. $2,850,000

d. $1,195,000

Maybe this is only a fun game for me? The way that March Madness is now only fun for Mac :(

And this one, sadly is not in our neighborhood, but it sure does yell "GOOD TIMES!" for the asking price of $659,000.

If this blog thing doesn't take off soon I'm moving on to real estate.


  1. Hey now, at least Mac is feeding him. Effie is now 4 months, and I think Lanier has fed her a total of maybe three times. :) And when he does, I can't even bear to watch, so awkward. Not even close to his body, must be a guy thing.

  2. Top left is A, Top right is C and bottom left is B, bottom right is D.

    How did i do?

  3. I have the same guess as Peter (or is that Kara??) :)

    I now feed Baby Brennan like that.


    At least Mac is smiling in the picture. Does that count for muscle movement?

  4. Hey Julie! Love the blog :) Just added it to mine. My guess is A-bottom left, B-top left, C-top right, D-bottom right. Those are some expensive places! Can't believe the bottom right is even one of those prices!

  5. Your heart is my heart. Fake house hunting is our favorite game of all time!
