Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things We Like: Reading

Ok, so I'm a closet dork. Closet? More like a closet senior citizen. Opposites attract, so Mac is really young and cool. In a job interview I was asked what I liked to do in my free time. I said crossword puzzles and read. Mac wants me to practice better answers. But in my recent free time I came up with a list of books to read before the end of the year. And sent it to Carla. Who according to my blog posts is my only friend. She sent a list back, so that we could play library, and here is the list I came up with to read, and how it’s going.

The Twilight Series-Done and done, avoiding the movies like the plague--I do have standards

Kite Runner-Betsy has this one, so I’ll get it in Oct.

My Sister’s Keeper-Tear jerker! Iffy on the movie, heard the ending has been changed—why?

The Associate-I miss my John Grisham (his daughter was in my sorority, 5 years younger, so not really, but maybe?), Mainly I like books that turn into movies, so that I can complain the entire movie that it isn't as good as the book and thoroughly ruin the experience for Mac.

The Lovely Bones-Another movie/book starring Marky Mark. Sounds depressing.

Boy in the Striped Pajamas-Should have told Mac and Claire what was gonna happen. Book read at B&N=$0, Movie from RedBox=$1.05, those 2 hours of my life that I can’t get back=I want them back.

The Middle Place-I might not get to this one. It’s a true story.

Three Cups of Tea-Currently in my purse. I just can’t get into it. The last book I finished was “The Tipping Point”. I enjoyed having intelligent conversations from reading, but I missed the speed of Bella and Edward. I love quick reads. Maybe because my fave past time is to actually read the books at B&N. If they didn’t want me to do that, then they shouldn’t have put out chairs and served Starbucks. Right? At B&N I’m currently reading “Same Kind of Different As Me” which I highly recommend. My dad recommended I not turn down the corners to save my page.

I also recommend Time Traveler’s Wife. But not if you’re my mom. And if you are my mom, then pretend I didn’t read it. Cause it has some dirty words. Can’t decide if I want to see the movie. Do you? What do you think I should read? You tell me and I’ll tell you if you should see the movie. Deal?


  1. I think you should read "Bruchko" by Bruce Olson. (See my most recent blog post.) It's a gripping true story with an incredible ending. It SHOULD be a movie, but it isn't yet. I think you might know why after you read it. For one thing, it would be rated R but I won't tell you why. Personally, I rate it A+ for Awesome. I have recommended it to many people and have never had someone tell me they didn't love it!

  2. I concur. "Bruchko" is a great book!

  3. I want to see the Time Traveler's Wife...can't decide if I should read the book before or after I see it!

  4. oh my gosh I'm so excited you have a blog! I am on overload right now because I just discovered it, but I am glad we can have web conversations about things other than just cooking!

    On to reading...I too love to read and am even in a book club, so if you're a dork I am too. I read the Time Traveler's Wife and My Sister's Keeper (they changed the ending?) so I think I want to see those movies, just to see how they compare.

    I highly recommend The Glass Castle, and also liked A Thousand Splendid Suns (same author as the Kite Runner) and Same Kind of Different as Me (it's good, but expect to cry). I am reading Julie and Julia now (also not recommended for moms) and plan to see the movie. What's up with all these books becoming movies?

    That's all I got for now! Sorry to be so long winded...

  5. kite runner. on my bookshelf. come and get it. (do you like how i'm enticing you to come over?) or i'll bring it to you. if you want to read it. though i wonder, in the end, how you would compare it to your feelings about "the boy in the striped pajamas". sometimes i think about that movie and it makes my skin crawl.

    and rest assured you have a kajillion friends:).

  6. ps. that last one was claire:). haha. that's my "greenie" name. you and kara should know the reference...

  7. I was just telling Peter I needed to buy Time Traveler's Wife for the beach...but maybe I can borrow yours???

  8. I just finished reading Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume. Always a solid read for anyone over sixth grade. Mark is reading daily reports of Alabama's fall football practice.

  9. Mac and Julie~What fun reading your blog! Julie, we've never met, but I've heard all about you and hope we actually do bump into one another one of these days. I'm a friend of Meg's from EP and Wheaton and followed you all here via Spicy Magnolia. I only update my blog every week or two (usally two), but feel free to stop by :) Mac~congrats on your lovely wife and all the blessings in your life since I last saw you six or seven years ago! BTW, I've been trying to get a hold of the Twilight series here in Jordan, but to no avail. Seems it is a big hit worldwide.

  10. Oh yes, I should introduce myself~Corrie (McDanald) Shirey. Nice to meet you!

  11. Julie and Julia is definitely awesome, I think you should read that! My sister thinks Same Kind of Different as Me is one of the best books ever, it's on my wishlist. I am excited about reading Olive Kitteridge soon, it is supposed to be fabulous!
